Certification of our organic clothing
The planet is facing global warming. The consequences of this state of affairs are visible across the globe. To remedy this situation, it is urgent to raise awareness collectively and in a very general way.

All aspects of human life must be taken into account in the fight against global warming. One of the most important industries in the global economy is undoubtedly clothing. Indeed, every human needs to dress well, first to protect themselves from bad weather but also to show themselves to their peers. Moreover, clothing has a very important cultural aspect for every people on the planet.
This means that the clothing sector is primarily concerned with the fight against pollution on earth. It is for this noble mission that organic clothing certification bodies have been set up. These organizations include: GOTS; Oeko-Tex; OCS&GRS; Fair Wear & Dress Wear.
They all aim to produce clothing that respects sustainable development. This implies the exploitation of resources taking into account future generations. They also campaign for the improvement of working conditions in the clothing industry. Workers must be treated according to the standards prescribed by the ILO. Discover in this article the importance and mode of operation of these organic clothing certification bodies.
GOTS certification (Global Organic Textile Standard)

It is one of the most popular certifications among nature and human rights activists. Created by Ecocert, the GOTS certification has skillfully combined compliance with environmental and social standards. It is the consideration of these two important issues for the future of the planet and the respect of workers' rights that makes the success of this certification.
GOTS-certified textile producers have their employees work according to the standards of the International Labor Organization. In addition, the whole value chain of GOTS certified textiles must ensure that workers are employed in decent conditions.
The textile itself must meet certain criteria to be GOTS certified. For organic textiles, at least 95% of the fibers must come from plants produced according to organic farming standards. On the other hand, for textiles said to be based on organic textiles, they must contain at least 70% of fibers from organic farming.
Organic farming advocates plant production that respects the balance of nature. For this reason, it prohibits the use of chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms. GOTS-certified textiles are therefore safe for humans. They do not contain carcinogenic elements or other inputs harmful to health.
Created in 2006, the Global Organic Textile Standard certification has already been adopted by many textile producers, such as the famous firm Cotton Bee and us of course 😇!
Oeko-Tex certification
The Oeko-Tex certification is the precursor to organic clothing certifications. This certification is held by 18 independent organizations located in Japan and Europe. The Oeko-Tex label includes several standards. The Oeko-Tex certification standards are:
Oeko-Tex Standard 100: this standard allows the certification of four classes of products. Class one is dedicated to clothing for children under 3 years old. Here, the criteria are particularly stringent for producers of organic clothing. Then we have class II which certifies sheets, underpants, bras, t-shirts. It ensures that the tissues that directly touch your skin are healthy. Class III concerns other clothing such as jackets. Finally, Class IV concerns curtains and other fabrics used to decorate your home. The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 takes into account all the clothes and fabrics that are part of your daily life;
Leather Standard: this standard relates exclusively to leather. Nevertheless, it is similar to Oeko-Tex Standard 100 in its application;
Detox to Zero Certification: this is an environmental standard with which textile producers who use this label must comply;
Made in green: this standard combines compliance with social and environmental standards. It also makes it easy to trace a textile or leather manufactured according to the criteria of this standard;
STeP: this is the acronym for Sustainable Textile & Leather Production. This standard certifies that environmental standards and good working conditions for workers have been respected during the production of the textile;
Ecological Passport: This standard requires textile and leather producers to use chemical inputs that are not harmful to the environment and consumers.
OCS and GRS certificates
The international standards OCS (Organic Content Standard) and GRS (Global Recycled Standard) are part of the ambitious Textile Exchange program. Textile Exchange is an international non-governmental organization whose members are committed to a profound transformation of the textile industry.
The Textile Exchange program advocates two main pathways to align the apparel industry with environmental and social standards. The first path is the production of organic clothing, the second path is the recycling of used fabrics in order to limit the search and use of non-renewable resources for textile production. This is why it has drawn up explicit and rigorous guidelines to support its members in their fight against global warming.
Fair wear & Dress Wear certification
Based on a bitter observation that this industry sometimes attracts crooked entrepreneurs who practice forced labor and the exploitation of children, the Fair Wear Foundation has decided to put an end to these bad practices.
The Fair Wear Foundation has four main types of entities:
non-governmental organizations;
business federations;
trade unions ;
the Clean Clothes campaign.
The Clean Clothes Campaign is the initiating organization of the Fair Wear Foundation.
Garment workers must be treated according to the standards prescribed by the International Labor Organization, abbreviated as ILO. This means that workers must work under the best possible health and safety conditions. Workers have the right to a wage that allows them to live decently. They must also have the freedom to form a union to better defend their rights as workers. No discrimination should be allowed in a garment factory on any grounds, be it racist, religious or sexist.
Member companies of the Fair Wear Foundation are monitored through regular independent audits and direct interviews with employees. During these audits, factories are assessed to ensure that they comply with ILO standards.
As you can see, ALL of our products comply with one or more of these certifications. Our concern is the total respect of these conditions and certifications.